FACS Students participated in Operation Christmas Child, an annual project through Samaritan’s Purse, packing and praying for more than 480 shoeboxes going into the Thanksgiving Break. Now every shoebox is on its way to a little boy or girl somewhere around the world. In the hands of local churches, every gift-filled shoebox will become a powerful tool for evangelism and discipleship—transforming the lives of children and their families around the world through the Good News of Jesus Christ! Evangelism. Discipleship. Multiplication. Now that students have turned in their boxes, learn more about the journey of a simple shoebox gift and how this “small” gift opens the door for the Gospel to be shared around the world. As shoebox gifts are distributed, local pastors or church leaders present the Gospel in a fun way designed for kids while family and friends listen in. Along with their shoebox gift, children also receive The Greatest Gift, a colorful presentation of the Gospel in their own language. After receiving shoebox gifts, boys and girls are invited to enroll in The Greatest Journey, our 12-lesson discipleship program. They learn from trained local volunteers what it means to faithfully follow Christ and share their faith with others.