Thoughts and words of wisdom on this Thanksgiving holiday written by Nicole Adams, FACS teacher, English 11 and English 12

Our country’s history and tradition teaches that the Pilgrims, those who had travelled to make their home in what we now know as North America, gave thanks upon their landing from a voyage across the ocean, and in the successive years it has been our country’s tradition to give thanks each November. But thanksgiving is more than just a holiday or celebration.
It is a state of mind and a state of heart.
In the world of nouns, thankfulness is an idea, an idea that conveys gentleness, tenderness, holiness, wisdom, and gratitude. As an idea, abstract – it is based in thought, experience, and emotions. As fruit of the Spirit, concrete – physical demonstrations and practices in thankfulness.
Jesus tells us that whatever is kept locked in our heart it will present itself outwardly, publicly. In the book of Luke (6:45), Jesus says, “The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”
You must feed a thankful heart.
Feed a thankful heart with prayer, good companions, and God’s word, while deliberately looking for the good and Godly things to praise. Remember the things and people for which you are thankful. Write them down – on paper, on your phone, on your heart. Write them with truth and spirit in mind. The more thankfulness you practice, the more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, thankful, gentle, and self-controlled you will become. Give it time to develop, and do not begrudge another of their joy and success or despair of something you long for.
Thankfulness is seen and experienced by others.
Thankfulness shows itself in a smile, in joy, in a handshake, in returning a favor, in “paying it forward”, in increased effort, in tears of joy, in repentance, in peacemaking.
This season, give thanks, not because tradition calls for it, but because you recognize where all blessings come from, and where they should be treasured – your heart.